This article will explain the mechanism of “Why I lose energy when I am inactive.”
First, let’s take a look at the case of two people: Mr. Sato, who is stressed by the refraining from activities, and Mr. Suzuki, who feels fear of infection due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mr. Sato has less energy.
Mr. Sato is no longer able to do activities that he loved because of the self-quarantine recommended due to the emergency statement.
Mr. Suzuki feels anxiety.
Mr. Suzuki is really afraid of becoming infected with COVID-19, and he has not been able to do any activities.
Mr. Suzuki was a worrier by nature. The more he watched TV and Internet news about the COVID-19 infection statistics every day, the more anxious he became about the possibility of contracting the virus. Mr. Suzuki’s workplace allows him to work from home, so not having to commute by train was a relief to him, but after spending so much time at home, he has become very anxious about going out. Because he doesn’t have anything to do at home, he ends up collecting information about CODID-19 when he has time. Every time he does this, he gets anxious or depressed. Although he would like to do something to take his mind off of the virus, he is too anxious to do anything when he thinks, “What if I am infected with CODIV-19 due to my activities?
Some of you might have found that some of these examples apply to you.
Often, when people are worried and stress, their range of action tends to be narrowed down, and as a result, their mental energy goes down steadily.
Next, let’s take an example of how Mr. Takahashi is still able to enjoy his activities in his way.
Mr. Takahashi is having fun.
Mr. Takahashi is enjoying finding things to do despite the current adverse situation.
What’s the difference between the three of them?
Regarding these cases, Mr. Sato and Mr. Suzuki are spending their days anxious and depressed due to the stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, although Mr. Takahashi also feels the stress brought on by the pandemic, he has managed to find something to look forward to in his current situation. What do you think the difference between the three is?
The important difference is whether they completed activities that lead to feelings of pleasure or mastery. You may think that it’s because Mr. Takahashi just happened to have fun at home, but it’s very important to do activities that lead to feelings of pleasure or mastery to keep your energy in daily life.
I hope you understand the reasoning behind “why you don’t feel energetic if you are not active.”
The following article includes a brief practice session where you can reflect on your behavior patterns to understand the mechanisms by which your behavior affects your mood. Please give it a try.